Finding the Guardian of Your Soul

Success Story: How We Helped Janet Open Her Heart, Become More Feminine, and Rekindle a 15-Year Relationship

Episode Summary

Lisa welcomes successful client Janet, who recently completed the Emotionally Naked Dating program. Janet shares how she joined the course right after her 15-year relationship ended. Janet knew it was time for her to take she needed to take a deeper look at her love life. She had already done considerable work on herself, but the seeker inside said something was still missing. Luckily, she listened to that little voice and signed up for Lisa's course, which proved life-changing. Janet talks with Lisa about gaining a greater awareness of herself and curiosity in her fellow humans, learning to trust men for the first time, reconnecting with her partner, and her advice for anyone on the fence about committing to do Lisa's course.

Episode Notes

What You'll Hear In This Episode:

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