Finding the Guardian of Your Soul

The Paradox of Criticism: Why Do Some Men Criticize and Stay In Relationships?

Episode Summary

In this episode, Lisa tackles a listener question regarding the paradox of criticism in relationships of why some men can be critical yet choose to stay. One reason is that criticism can be a form of manipulation or control, allowing the person to have power over their partner. However, it's also possible that the person is offering constructive feedback to improve the relationship. Lisa highlights the importance of effective communication in relationships and provides tips on how to talk to men in a way that promotes a safe and open dialogue. She also highlights the significance of positive feedback and how it can contribute to a healthy relationship, and she emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and not tolerating disrespectful behavior from men. She also shares some examples of how she and Benjamin help each other positively, leading with kindness and thoughtfulness. Tune in to learn how to navigate the complexities of criticism in relationships and create a more fulfilling and positive dynamic.

Episode Notes

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